Monday, 7 March 2011


For sure that you will enjoy this link about creature feature.
Firstly, have a look at all the animals. Afterwards, choose one and click on it. Then read all the information you are given and take notes. Finally, write a comment telling your fellow classmates the most surprising facts you found.
I hope you enjoy it!


Noemii said...

Polar Bears.
Paw pads with rough surfaces help prevent polar bears from slipping up on the ice. Adult males generally weigh between 720 and 1,700 pounds (363 and 771 kilograms). Adult females often weigh between 500 and 600 pounds (227 and 272 kilograms). Males can grow to ten feet (three meters) in length—the height of a one-story building. Polar bears have been known to swim 100 miles (161 kilometers) at a stretch. When the warm weather causes the sea ice to melt, polar bears move back toward shore.Polar bears primarily eat seals. Polar bears often rest silently at a seal's breathing hole in the ice, waiting for a seal in the water to surface. Once the seal comes up, the bear will spring and sink its jagged teeth into the seal's head.Sometimes the polar bear stalks its prey. A polar bear may also hunt by swimming beneath the ice. Generally, she will nurse them for two and a half years. During that time she will protect them and teach them how to hunt.

Unknown said...

The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world.It can reach a length of 9 meters and weigh 227 kg.They wrap their bodies around their prey and squeeze until it stops breathing.The giant snake opens its mouth wide enoung to swallow it s victim.The anaconda eats fish or caiman,even jaguars and small deer.The anaconda lives in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers